Thursday, November 01, 2007

Hey everyone just on a whim I entered in's battle of the bands competition! To my utter suprise we are one of about 50 bands competing in a national online voting competition. The first round of voting takes place from now until the 5th of November.

Anyway, we'd love to make at least a good showing, as it is a free national promotion basically. Here's the rules:
On-Line Finalist Voting will be split into 3 rounds:• Round 1: October 30th to November 5th, 2007: All eligible Submissions will be narrowed down to the top 50 (the fifty (50) entrants with the highest number of on-line votes will be deemed to be the top fifty (50) "Semi-Finalists").• Round 2: November 6th to November 12th, 2007: The top 50 Semi-Finalist Submissions will be narrowed down to the top 25 (the twenty-five (25) Semi-Finalists with the highest number of on-line votes will be deemed to be the top twenty-five (25) "Quarter Finalists").• Round 3: November 13th to November 20th, 2007: The top 25 Quarter Finalists Submissions will be narrowed down to the top 5 Finalists (the five (5) Quarter Finalists with the highest number of on-line votes will be deemed to be the top five (5) "Finalists"). (iii) In the event of a tie among the entrants at the end of any round of on-line voting, Sponsors will make the final determination (in their sole discretion) of which entrants will advance to the next round of voting and/or judging. (b) Grand Prize Winner Selection/Judging Criteria:(i) A panel of expert judges that have the required knowledge and experience to apply the judging criteria ("Judges") will select one (1) Grand Prize Winner from the top five (5) on-line vote recipient Finalists.

Read the rest of the rules here:

Here's the link to vote

Also, there's a link on our myspace

You can vote once per day for up to 25 bands.

Also, here's our link to the site, Please let everyone you can know about this and please vote EVERY DAY!
You guys are the greatest! We really appreciated all those who came out for the Foolish Things show!
For His Renown,
Ben Zornes

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