Thou, who in Thy holy Gospel,
wills that man should truly live,
Make us sense our share of failure,
our tranquility forgive.
Read that again...! Okay...for those who just kept reading, I seriously meant to read it again!!!
Never let anyone deceive you into thinking that the gospel is all about a "lifestyle of upright principals and morals." Do not be fooled by prevalent thinking, "The gospel is about God loving man so much that He wants all people on earth to be blessed and prosperous." Do not give into the fallacy that "Jesus Christ is just the cherry-on-top." Beloved DO NOT believe the post-modern thought, "The gospel needs to be sensitive to each person's individual experience!" These are outright lies...and if I could show you the tears I have as I write this--realizing so many believe these lies--I would weep openly before you. The biggest problem is that these lies are so bathed in "semi-truths" that they seem plausible to a religious or "spiritual" mind. My friends, they are NOT compatible with the gospel. Let me share my meagre attempt at describing the grandeur of our Christ's gospel:
God, three in one, Father Spirit Son, created the universe in seven literal days. By His divine foreknowledge allowed fallible man to be deceived, in order to display His mighty power and grace. Man is cursed by his own sin. We were by nature children of wrath. However, to display His almighty perfection, He sent His blameless Son to purchase by the blood of His cross all things in heaven and on earth and under the earth. If you confess with your mouth and believe in Your heart you will be saved. Further, Christ's death conquered sin and death by His glorious resurrection. Now, those who believe steadfastly in the Son of God epitomize this verse, "It is no longer I that live, but Christ that lives in me." To Him who dies to self and is raised by the same power of God, life abundant and eternal will be given. Trials and trouble will befall the believer, but his God is triumphant over every turmoil, and he eagerly awaits his coming King and this King's kingdom!
This feels so small in comparison to what it should be. But may the Lord bless it. The first phrase of the 5th verse says this, "Thou who in Thy holy gospel, wills that man should truly live." The problem with many believers today is that we think that a prayer and a religious rite of passage has given us abundant life. We throw around words like, "everlasting, joy-filled, abundant, eternal, sunshiny" to describe our life with Christ. Then we go and live exactly as the world does. With the same vices. The same trivialities. The same dysfunctional families! Who emasculated the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel will KILL you! You MUST die to your selfish flesh. "Put to death..." the scripture says. And it MEANS it. My friend unfortunately for us there are so few examples of how the Gospel changes lives, because so few truly believe the gospel! The problem isn't with the gospel, it is in us, in our very flesh.
True gospel, sustained the martyrs who've been tied to the stake, crucified, slaughtered, speared, shot, tortured brutally, be-headed, frozen, burned, sliced, sawn, stripped, decapitated, ripped to pieces, eaten by lions, made a spectacle, mocked, scourged, betrayed, isolated, starved, drowned, ridiculed, trapped, discredited, shut-up, imprisoned, and so many more! But my brothers and sisters, when I read their biographies they are FAR more satisfied that most believers today. We talk of holiness as wearing a t-shirt, or attending a service. We talk of abundant life as being free from being "judged."
Do not be found lacking on the last day. The American church of the 21st century is on dangerous ground before God Almighty! But here's where I pray you will be able to rejoice!
"Make us sense our share of failure, our tranquility forgive." He is still the One that will cause us to realize the error of our grievous ways!!! And He will forgive our tranquility and mediocrity! Oh, the joy of surrender to a God who we claim bought us! Have you become a slave commanding his master, and dictating what kind of work you should be doing. Let a sense of failure bring you to seek ceaselessly to "truly live!" Life is Christ! No, LIFE IS CHRIST! My friend know Him!
God, please make us sense our share of failure. When I look at Thy saints and martyrs I want what You gave them. I want to look my murderers in the face and say "I will not cease preaching my Jesus, though you take away my family and belonging." I want the grace to look my accusers in the face and say, "Here I stand I can do no other." I want the faith to live 80-90 years of fruitful, sacrificial self-less sacrifice to my King. Oh Jesus how we scorn what You purchased for us! We spit on Your great resurrection! No more Father, let it not be so! Wake this generation with Thy holy convicting spirit. Let us sense our share of failure, but LORD give Thy children the power of Pentecost to live in freedom and joy. O King, I delight in the death of me, for it is through You killing my flesh that I truly find life! Abba! Make it so! Almen!
For His renown,
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