(yes I am using a noun as a verb, I was homeschooled so I can get away with such grammatical violations)!
Soak in this statement: we were made for eternal communion with the God. Does that rouse your heart? I mean, this is the God of Whom it is said, “in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore (Ps. 16:11).” He created us with the intention of glorifying Himself by sharing His eternal delight with us. We’re talking about God, the One who made quasars and canaries, who instated the laws of thermodynamics and fashioned the molecular structure of all the atoms in the universe.

I am not saying all this to highlight my poor scholasticism. I was a straight “A” student in high-school, and had like a 3.9 GPA in college, so it’s not as if I am uneducated. I bring this up to point out the magnitude of God. He understands these things, well, ALL things perfectly. He is what makes sure canaries reproduce, quasars glow, laws of thermodynamics successfully operate, and molecules bond! God’s resume is faultless, and He understands and comprehends and uphold the universe by His own word (Heb. 1:3-4)! This is the same God who created humans (knowing full well that they’d reject Him and choose depravity over the delight of His divinity), and He created us to share His own most precious self with us!
My mind hurts when I consider such things. I just want to shake my head and say, “are you kidding?!” So, God, who is massively brilliant and needs no help upholding the universe, creates humans in order to clothe them in His glory. We reviled Him and throughout history we rejected Him continually. Yet, the entire course of Human history is riddled with story after story of God continually evidencing His design to bring us back into His presence. Tabernacles, temples, altars, exiles, floods, parting seas, plagues, battles, arks, babies, old men, prophets, priesthoods, kings, judges, patriarchs, sojourns, and veils all were designed by God to show that He was intent on sharing Himself. He was bent on the conquest of human hearts and imparting the joy that flows from His boundless store of delight. Yet humans, rather than running to that reservoir of eternal bliss, turn-tailed and marched the opposite direction; we chose self-rule and misery of God-rule and joy.
However, we should remember that God is free and nothing can thwart Him (Is. 14:27). Thus, His sovereign purpose was always to bring man to Himself in eternal communion. Thus, He sent Jesus, and we are told that one of His names was Immanuel: God with Us. The purpose of God all along was to glorify Himself by sharing Himself and to clothe us in His glory. This is what we were made for and this is where true joy is found and beheld! So, Jesus came. He was God, and He was with us. Jesus came to Immanuel. Jesus came and when He died we’re told that the veil, which in ancient times God had commanded should ever separate the HOLY GOD from depraved humanity, was torn asunder and thus the God of the Universe shouted to this speck-of-dust world, “IMMANUEL! God with us! I AM is accessible to every human heart!” As the old Christmas Carol, “O, Little Town of Bethlehem” states so well,
How silently, how silently, the wondrous Gift is giv’n;
So God imparts to human hearts the blessings of His Heav’n.
No ear may hear His coming, but in this world of sin,
Where meek souls will receive Him still, the dear Christ enters in.
So God imparts to human hearts the blessings of His Heav’n.
No ear may hear His coming, but in this world of sin,
Where meek souls will receive Him still, the dear Christ enters in.
[...]O come to us, abide with us, our Lord Immanuel!
Immanuel has come. He has imparted to us the blessing of His heaven. And, truly, we may say that the true blessing of Heaven is God’s own dear and joyous presence! The question is, will we open our hearts to the design of Almighty God? He has every right to our hearts, and we have all the bliss and joy of His righteous and beautiful face to gain! Why reject the offer of eternal joy and communion with God Most High? Jesus came to reunite your heart and life to God ALmighty, and in that dear friendship you will find the joy of your soul! Take hold of it...it is what Jesus came to do. He came to Immanuel, let Him!
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