Friday, March 07, 2008

New Series..."Saints"...Coming March 13

With the Fight for Us EP finally released and now in public (buy it now at or I can now redirect my attention once again to serious blogging! I truly pray that these are just the ego-centric bloggings of a 21st century American, I pray that these short writings truly inspire and encourage you to the Higher, Grander, Christ-like life!
I am going to begin a new series. It will probably be around 6 or so weeks long. I'm going to call it "Saints." I am going to highlight the lives of some humble believers who gave Christ their all so that He could be clearly seen in their lives. Truly, these six "saints" became nothing so that Christ became their everything. I hope their example stirs you up to Love and Good Works (Heb. 10:24-26).

For now I will leave you with a sneak peak at one of these rarely acknowledged individuals that changed so many lives with the power of the Gospel.

The goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance. Romans 2:4
"We ought not wait for the hour of trial, the time of chastening to set our house in order, to take stock of ourselves, to have our commission renewed. God’s goodness not His scourging alone, is meant to lead us to repentance. The day of blessing should bring us to the mourner’s bench, and then we might avert the painful discipline. If we judged ourselves in the sunshine we might not be judged in the shadow.
Thatch your roof in dry weather. Do not wait until the storm breaks. While you have health and loved ones and prosperity, let the Great Physician give you a check up. Do not wait until you are grievously smitten.
Though most of us come to conversion and confession and cleansing in the house of desperation, it need not be so. God’s goodness ought to melt our hearts and break us down and shame our lack of faith and our love grown cold.Fair-weather repentance might save us many a cloudy day."
~~~~~from Day By Day by Vance Havner. Fleming H. Revell Company, 1953.~~~~~
This is only the beginning...more to come!
For His renown,

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